If your firm is required to have an audit of your financial statements then give our Melbourne, Florida CPA Firm a call today to schedule an appointment. Many companies are required to have an audit or review of their financial statements. At Bullock, Garner, & Leslie, CPA Firm, we can prepare audited or reviewed financial statements. We can also assist you if another firm is performing the audit by making sure your financial records are in good shape before the audit starts.

What is an audit though? How can you know if your business would benefit from it? Always feel free to call our office to discuss the financial services that we provide. We will be more than happy to discuss the parttiuclars of an audit with you.

“Audits provide the opportunity for a second set of eyes (usually those of a certified professional accountant) looking over your business’s accounts. An annual audit of your business may be a requirement of your business’s investors and lenders as a condition of putting their money in the business.

CPA auditors provide a couple of useful services for your business:

  • Checking up: In a sense, CPA auditors give your business a yearly physical exam. The audit exam may uncover problems that your business wasn’t aware of, and knowing that the auditors come in once a year to take a close look at things keeps your business on its toes.
  • Reporting: After completing an audit examination, the CPA prepares a short report stating whether the business has prepared its financial report according to the appropriate U.S. or international accounting and reporting standards,” according to How to Decide Whether Your Business Needs an Audit – For Dummies.

When you are looking for accounting services in Melbourne, Florida then give our team at Bullock, Garner, & Leslie a call today to schedule an appointment.