time for taxes clock, cpa tax accountants

At Bullock, Garner, & Leslie we know that tax season can be frustrating and intimidating. That’s why we’re your financial services firm in Melbourne, FL to help you prepare in advance for a smooth 2014 tax filing season. We’ll help you work ahead to make the process easier for your 2014 filing year!

After 2013 taxes are filed, you’re proactively planning, saving, and scanning documents, you’ll need to continue to follow tax legislation news throughout the year. We saw it happen in 2013: tax law changes rapidly and what you may think is a valuable deduction or credit for your tax return may be overturned or defunded in Congress. We saw it in 2013 when the elimination of the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act. Many homeowners in the midst of a short sale process expected that the Act would be renewed for 2014. It has not yet been renewed, and that impacts anyone involved in selling a home through a short sale process in 2014.

If you have any questions about the 2014 filing season and how to prepare your finances to maximize your financial benefit and minimize your headaches, call your Melbourne CPA firm today!