jar pennies, Melbourne accounting

At Bullock, Garner, & Leslie, we’re your Melbourne CPA firm to help you maximize your business tax benefits and carefully plan your business’s tax strategy. With proper record-keeping, you won’t have to fear an audit, but we’re sharing tips on some potential red flags that can help you avoid an audit altogether.

Our next piece of audit-avoiding advice is to be careful when claiming a home office deduction. Not all home-based businesses qualify, and even qualifying businesses have very specific expenses that are eligible for deduction. If you think you may qualify, consult with your Melbourne CPA to be sure.

With Bullock, Garner, & Leslie, we can help you prepareĀ  your documentation so that in the case of an audit, you can rest assured that you’ve filed correctly. We’re happy to consult with you today on your 2013 home office deduction and all of your business tax concerns.