We know at Bullock & Leslie Tax & Accounting that it is often helpful to have an outside source perform an external audit of your financial statements to ensure they are accurate. Business owners can use external audits to review their accounting process as well as their financial information. Our accountants atBullock & Leslie Tax & Accounting are available to perform an external audit for you company and discuss your accounting processes and your accounting information with you.
The Houston Chronicle reported that, “external audits provide many benefits for business owners, such as an objective opinion on your accounting processes. Sometimes small business owners do not have an in-depth understanding of detailed accounting principles and they simply prepare their accounting information as best they can.” However, our professional accountants can review this information and provide you with insight on the accuracy and the validity of your accounting information.
By allowing our firm to perform an external audit, we are able to discover errors you might have looked over. Errors in accounting information may prohibit business owners from making the best decisions. If there are errors in your historical financial information, it becomes difficult to discover trends, which allow business owners to plan future production output and estimate sales for the upcoming months.
Another benefit to having an external audit performed is that we ensure you are recording your financial transactions according to the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is the highest U.S. authority on accounting standards and must be followed when preparing business financial information. This external audit will also educate the business owner on the importance of accounting information in business. Our firm works closely with business owners to improve accounting processes and provide the business owners with information on current accounting issues.
If you are looking to have an external audit performed in Brevard County, Florida then please give our firm a call and we would be happy to assist you in any way we can. We want you to focus on your business and we will handle all of your accounting needs.